How to automatically create a Approved PR to a PO without using Auto create

Hi Friend My requirement is when ever there is a approved PR ( from WIP , OM or Inv or from other sources) it need to be converted directly to the PO without using Auto create functionality manually

1. Create a BPA for that

1. Create a BPA for that item. 2. Define the supplier in ASL and assign the above BPA . (You can use Sourcing rule & assignment if u want to source from multiple vendors) 3. PO: Automatic Document Sourcing PO: Allow Autocreation of Oracle Sourcing Documents Now every time a PR is imported to PO, oracle 'll create an automatic release through create release program read the details @

How to Stop Creating a PO Automatically

We have been facing an issue where the PO's are getting created automatically where we do not want to create the PO's. Can you tell me how do i stop to create a PO automatically?

How to Stop Creating a PO Automatically

We have been facing an issue where the PO's are getting created automatically where we do not want to create the PO's. Can you tell me how do i stop creating PO's automatically?

Check the approved supplier

Check the approved supplier list. Disable auto release for this item-supplier.